Traci Richmond, who heads The Meakem Group in Bethesda, Maryland, has the stats to prove it. Not only did she do it, but we think you can double your referrals too.
Her “New Referrals” number went up an extraordinary +112.5% from 2020 to 2021 with one single change to her marketing strategy. Her team started sending videos to referrals and existing clients and encouraging sharing.
Traci attributes The Meakem Group’s successful business growth to her videos, explaining:
“I consider the video product to be the modern version of my business card, and my team sends video links to referrals and existing clients with the intent that they should be shared among the clients’ networks. We started doing this in 2021, and we saw my referral rate jump 112% with no other changes.”
Though Traci has covered a lot of ground with video topics, one series generated a lot of attention – nearing 1 Million impressions as of April 2022. The series was inspired by a retired client who displayed a dramatic personality shift that left Traci both concerned and curious. Some gentle investigating led Traci to the realization that her client was struggling with depression, which had been triggered in large part by her retirement.
Because her role as a financial advisor means she collaborates with plenty of retirees, and because the topic felt both important and largely unexplored by those in her field, Traci knew she needed to share what she had discovered about retirement and depression – including the fact that the highest suicide rate in the United States is among those over the age of 65 and the likelihood that someone will become depressed goes up by 40% after retirement.
Traci was already creating videos throughout the year to communicate with clients and prospects on other subjects, so it felt easy to add the topic of retirement depression into her content. She surmised that sharing what she had learned would benefit her clients nearing retirement and could help them avoid preventable suffering. Although she didn’t set out to create content that would make such a profound impact, the issue clearly resonated deeply with people viewing Traci’s videos.
The initial campaign comprised three videos (3 Signs of Depression in Retirement, 2 Ways to Ward Off Retirement Depression, and Spotting the Signs of Sudden Onset Mid-Retirement Depression) and yielded amazing results – not just in terms of their traction, but also in terms of organic reach.
Traci was both humbled and astonished by the number of people who were hungry for information about depression and retirement. You can watch all of Traci’s Retirement Depression videos here or check out her newest video, Avoiding Burnout, to see how she’s carried the mental health message forward.
The digital campaign on retirement depression generated surprising returns. With only $152.21 invested for her 2021 Ad Spend on YouTube, Traci’s campaign boasted:
- 978,800 Total Impressions
- 50,603 Total Views
- An 11% Click Through Rate to website (avg CTR = 4-5%)
While the $152.21 advertising spend gave the videos a boost, Traci clearly hit a nerve. She was able to help her clients in an unexpected and altruistic way. But even more fortuitously, her videos also helped people who weren’t her clients. The YouTube videos got traction because Traci shared valuable information with compassion and clarity. Thousands of people clicked out of curiosity and then watched as Traci discussed retirement depression and how to avoid it.
While there are a lot of advisors who create content about why you need a will, asset allocation, or family meetings — it turns out there aren’t many making videos about the very real and delicate subject of retirement depression.
What makes Traci’s videos work so well?
- She truly listened to her client. Then she transformed her concern into curiosity and discovered something sincerely meaningful for her clients and a broader audience.
- She stuck to a strategy of routinely sharing videos with her clients, COIs, and prospective clients.
If you’re ready to double your referrals and create a video campaign that gets results, we recommend you schedule a strategy session with our trusted partner, Idea Decanter. They’ve helped dozens of Elite Advisor Program graduates with smart video production and marketing.
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