Erin has been a guest on podcasts, webcasts, and live events, along with being a featured contributor at industry-leading publications like InvestmentNews. Here are a few of the recent Erin Botsford Media Mentions including articles, episodes, and videos featuring Erin’s business building insight and experience.
Erin Botsford • Media Mentions
Erin Botsford Media Mentions
Advisors are Experiencing Real Growth with the Elite Advisor Program
The Elite Advisor Success System™ was reviewed and written about by an independent journalist at FA Magazine. She interviewed a couple of our best students to get their feedback and results. And the results? They speak for themselves!
In the more than two decades she has been in financial services, Katrina Lessard has had her share of industry coaching and training. But nothing comes close to what she has experienced with The Elite Advisor program by industry veteran Erin Botsford.
“I have never seen results like I have seen with her class. It’s truly amazing. I am kind of mind blown,” said Lessard, who operates Lessard Wealth Management in Arizona. Discover more feedback and results in the Financial Advisor article.
Win Female Clients by Not Losing them at the Outset
In her recent article on Advisor Perspectives, Erin gives priceless insight into why advisors get ghosted by their prospective clients after what they THOUGHT was a successful appointment.
If you've ever been ghosted by a prospect and never found out why they never became a client, this article is sure to shed some light on the matter. You may find it has very little to do with your pitch or Callan charts. Learn what happened in this article.
You may find it has very little to do with your pitch or Callan charts. Learn what happened in this article.
PODCAST: Take Your Ego Out of Your Business
In this episode of the Permission to Succeed podcast, Douglas Heikkinen from and Erin have a wonderful conversation about taking your ego out of your business so it can run successfully without you.
Too many advisors are stuck at the office, attending every client meeting, and refuse to relinquish control of any aspect fo their business because they feel the need to be involved.
This will ultimately prove detrimental to growth, and Erin explains why. Listen at the link below!
Serving Female Clients in an Uncertain World
In this Advisor Perspectives article, Erin shows how men and women handle crises differently. It is imperative to know how to approach each of them to give them the comfort they need to know that everything is going to be all right.
The advisor who does this well will reap long-term benefits. The advisor who fails at this stands to lose a client forever.
It’s just that simple. Check it out and share with your team!
Between Now & Success with Steve Sanduski
Steve Sanduski invited me to be a guest on his ‘Between Now & Success’ podcast, and it was wonderful to share my story with his audience. This is still the #1 MOST POPULAR EPISODE on his podcast! Steve interviews top leaders at the intersection of business, investing, and life. Guests include visionary leaders such as Tony Robbins, Ric Edelman, Joe Duran, Marty Bicknell, Peter Mallouk, Elliott Weissbluth, Jud Bergman, David Bach, Jon Stein, Steve Lockshin, Rebecca Rothstein, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Port, Chip Roame, and Scott Hanson.
Learn more here:
Women Have an Edge as Financial Advisers
Having 30 years as a financial services business owner has taught Erin that women have an edge over their male counterparts. In her article on InvestmentNews, she details that in a competitive situation, female advisers have a sense of empathy that helps them relate to clients on a personal level. She breaks down the importance of empathy and how cold, hard facts and figures don't always translate well with clients as well as you may think.

Ep 168: Building An Advisory Firm That Can Be Sold Even When Your Name Is Still On The Door with Erin Botsford
Financial Advisor Success
Building An Advisory Firm That Can Be Sold
Even When Your Name Is Still On The Door with Erin Botsford
I was honored to be a guest on the Michael Kitces Financial Advisor Success Podcast, and was able to help his audience with a little of my story, experience, and insight. We discuss how I built my business over the past 30 years, as well as the transformation made in the first decade of her career.
Listen in as we discuss the shift I made (and you need to make) from lead advisor to CEO and how that helped to nearly tripled the growth of the firm in the three years that followed. You will learn how I developed herself into a lead rainmaker role (despite admittedly not being a natural business person), how I shifted control of client relationships, and more.
For show notes and more visit:

Invite Erin to speak to your team or be a guest on your podcast or publication today.
Advisor Success Stories

J. French
“My closing ratio was very poor, and I was having a hard time pinpointing the reason. Then I listened to Erin’s Secret Sauce course and revamped my approach talk. Simply by tweaking my approach, I had several prospects convert to clients and my closing ratio improved overnight. Thank you for sharing your Secret Sauce with me!”

Brittany L.
“I’ve recommended that individuals in my peer group “hire” your system for their business owner development. So glad to get connected with you…and exceptionally thankful for your willingness to share your programs and expertise with this next generation of world-changing business-owner financial-planners!”

David J.
“Erin’s course is amazing. She does a FABULOUS job of sharing her best ideas and practices after 30+ years in the industry and her firm’s templates are excellent and worth the cost of the program on their own. Last fall I was “stuck” on how to compensate my team and she had excellent compensation models that were invaluable to me.”

Andrea P.
“Erin’s class has helped me to refocus and get back to basics. What makes this even more unique is her ability to weave in and remind you that your business should feed your life and family, not the other way around. I can’t recommend these classes enough!”

Erica G.
“Thank you for an amazing experience! I am a goals-driven advisor, and a firm believer that you get out of training as much as you are willing to put into it. When I signed on for the Elite Advisor training, I was looking for some take away points I could use to take my business to the next level. What I received from this training has been so much more!”

Jason J.
“The Elite Advisor Success System is a great course. If you are looking to grow your practice to a business, this is the course for you. I am up over 60% in revenue for Q1 2019, compared to 2018. The ideas and strategies Erin provides through in the course have been a major part of helping grow my business!”

Jackie R.
“Erin Botsford’s Elite Advisor program covers every perspective of our business. From our mindset to team structure and contracts, this course provides the details so many other programs only allude to. It was a worthy investment in my business. I have no reservations in recommending this program to my colleagues.”

Karim H.
“The material that you have put together is one of a kind, and I believe no one in the financial services industry has put together content as comprehensive as you have. I have benefited hugely because as a relatively new practice, many of the components that are necessary to build a successful financial services business were not in place.”

Scott F.
“The training is amazing –absolutely love it! There’s so much value in every lesson and now I have so many ideas running through my mind! Probably won’t sleep tonight as I think about it all. Definitely a great investment.”

Maria K.
“I wish I took this course when I first started. It would have helped me set up my business the way I wanted and have a plan for the future. The flow of information from one course to another was exactly what an advisor building a business needs. I don’t know of any other course that shares so much information, in such a short period of time and without unnecessary fluff.”

Brian VH.
“I would highly recommend this course for anybody because implementing just a few of these ideas is sure to increase revenue. Erin’s openness about her business and career was a breath of fresh air and truly appreciated. Erin absolutely takes the right approach in running a financial planning business.”

Kerina G.
“I must tell you that in my 13 years as an advisor and 22 years in the corporate world, I have never attended a better or more effective class. Erin is absolutely amazing and shared so many sales ideas, organization, administrative and many more items with us. It is not often that I say it is worth every single dollar, but it is!”